I' ve had my left ear clogged up for 3 days now and it's really annoying, today is Friday and I'm going on a trip on Sunday, what shall I do?? It's not painful it's just clogged up, I used cotton buds to take the wax out, ( I literally tried anything) but it still feels the same, will it go in time for my trip?? Please help, I have tried opening my mouth as wide as I can doing that finger behind your earlobe and everything!! Holding my nose and pushing, nothing is working, I also put water in please help!!
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I' ve had my left ear clogged up for 3 days now and it's really annoying, today is Friday and I'm going on a trip on Sunday, what shall I do?? It's not painful it's just clogged up, I used cotton buds to take the wax out, ( I literally tried anything) but it still feels the same, will it go in time for my trip?? Please help, I have tried opening my mouth as wide as I can doing that finger behind your earlobe and everything!! Holding my nose and pushing, nothing is working, I also put water in please help!!
June 6, 2014 - 9:06amThis Comment