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EmpowHER Guest

This has happened to me many times. If you have a cold/runny nose and you get clogged up ears, it's likely behind the eardrum and in the eustachian tube. The gunk will just need to drain out on its own, and it will. Doctors can give you an antibiotic if it might be an infection, but it's always taken me a few days and then my ears are better. I swear I won't blow my nose as hard the next time I have a cold!

Swimmers Ear drops (or isopropyl alcohol/vinegar/hydrogen peroxide) works when you have water in your ears - perhaps from swimming or showering. You can try to shake the water out, or lay down for a few minutes with that ear flat on a pillow to drain the water out.

I've also had a wax clog that blocked one ear totally. This happened while I was floating in a pool and my husband pushed me. I thought it was water clogged, but after 3 days of nothing working, I went to the doc and they pulled all the wax out. It was so amazing to be able to hear after that!

The absolute easiest is if your ears just need to pop - yawning or chewing gum always works for me for that. But for this original question, unfortunately, I think time is the only thing that really helps clogged ears when you have a cold.

February 12, 2012 - 11:04pm


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