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I'm a guy but just wanted to add my comment. I appreciate all the info I have found here and it makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only once that has experienced this. I had my gall bladder out in May 2015 and almost immediately had an enlarged tummy. The docs said this would go down in time. My caloric intake has actually gone down since before my surgery but my weight has increased by over 20 pounds, mostly in my stomach. It's not gas but it is uncomfortable and unsightly to the point that it makes my angry to look at myself in the mirror. Friends have actually started asking my when I am due! I have always heard that people gain so much weight after they have this surgery but never believed it until it actually happened to me. I am going to give some of the suggestions here a try and see what happens. Pre surgery I could cut my calories for a few days and loose as much weight as I wanted, the belly was the first place to go. Now I can drastically lower my intake and I seem to gain. I want the scales to be my friend again. I actually thought someone had rigged mine to add weight but unfortunately its the truth. I'm glad I don't have the stomach pains I had before the surgery but I still have very upset stomach quite often. Sometimes I want my gall bladder back just for a few days so we could get rid of this load I'm carrying around! Hope everyone gets some resolve to their problems. :)

October 6, 2015 - 5:21pm


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