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Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to missy_anne1)

Hi Missy Anne - I'm so sorry you and your husband had such a bad experience with the first neurosurgeon. I hope you can put that experience behind you and continue to advocate for your husband and get a second opinion. Since your husband's case is complex you may be able to get the services of a nurse case manager to help you with some of the challenges you're facing. It may be worth a phone call to find out.

As far as the disability application, from what I hear most applications are denied the first time through, and some are denied several times, and that too may take a lot of persistence and having to advocate for your husband. I don't mean to discourage you, I'm just trying to provide information to help prepare you for the situation based on the experiences that others have had.

If my memory is right you are in the Phoenix area. I suggest looking at the Southwest Job Network, a nonprofit organization which provides many services for job seekers free or at minimal cost. It's a warm, supportive group of people. http://www.southwestjobnet.com/

I know you are both having a rough time right now and it's hard. I hope you will find a way to gather the strength needed to not only help your husband but to also help yourself in making it through this situation and getting the assistance you need. Please let us know how we can help. We wish all the best for both of you.
Take care, Pat

March 5, 2010 - 5:33pm


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