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Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to MelanieO)

Hi Melanie - I asked Maria if she could get in touch, and am glad she did. She has a wealth of knowledge and is always inspiring.

One thing I wanted to be sure to mention is that it's really easy to get information overload when you're facing a serious medical situation...from what you're saying you may already be somewhat there. I've found it helps to have my own list of priorities, and to also try to separate out the people with real world experience information from those with good intentions but not necessarily accurate information. I've also found it helpful to keep data in one main notebook that I take everywhere because so much information comes in at different times and it helps to keep the data straight and to also have it in writing to go back to it when it's needed.

So, the weekend is almost here, and I encourage you to make sure you build some FUN into your schedule, even if it's as simple as a relaxing walk. It's easy to get so focused on the medical worries that it totally absorbs you, and that's not a good thing in the long run. I'm glad you have friends and family and your precious grandson around you, and loving you, and helping you through this.

Talk with you again soon, Pat

January 15, 2010 - 5:18pm


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