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(reply to Maria Richmond)

Hi Maria - Your story and words of encouragement are welcomed and yes, I am a religious person and have trusted God, and held strong to my Faith in Him on numerous occasions. Sometimes he comes through and sometimes he does not, but it is not my place to question, as He has his reasons for doing both. I have had a lot go on in my life, which at times has made me question my Faith - My youngest son was diagnosed with Aspergers Disorder. He is now 20, but I am still fighting with the school district as he did not receive the services he was entitled to. I was abused as a child, was in an abusive (sexually, emotionally, mentally and verbally) first marriage. In 2004 i had to have a partial discectomy. In 2006, my appendix almost ruptured and i had to have surgery to remove it. In 2009, I had to have a hysterectomy. My husband and i have recently taken custody of our 1 year old grandson because my son and daughter in law got into a little mess and need to straighten their lives out. I am financially burdened. All of this had made me sit down and question my Faith at times, but in the end i know that it is all for a greater purpose, i just wish i knew what it was. Now, i receive this news and i sit back, cry and ask God Why? Havent you tested me enough?
I am still trying to process everything, get everything in order worry about how i am going to pay my bills for the month i am out of work (i have no disability at work), try to make out a will for the "just in case" aspect of the surgery. My husband tells me that i am thinking a little extreme, but given the circumstances, the location, and the risks, i have to be.
As far as whether or not i am going to decide to have it - i have no choice. The cyst is located just under the cerebellum - it is pushing up into the cerebellum, and into my spinal column - it is blocking the flow of spinal fluid. If i do not have it removed, i could have a stroke. It must come out.
I was afraid to ask how big it was, but from the pics on the MRI (not sure what the scale is) it looked to be the size of a golf ball. I am told that if it has not entangled itself in anything, it should be a relatively easy surgery about 8-10 hours.
I have been reading a bit - my sister is a nurse and she has been sending me links to different documents pertaining to both arachnoid and epidermoid cysts (because we were not sure which one it was at first). They have been helpful, but i think i need to give my brain a rest before i try to process any more information.
Thank you very much for your support and your words of encouragement.......They mean alot.


January 15, 2010 - 6:27am


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