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Anonymous (reply to Sarah1983)

Hi Sarah,

My name is also Sarah, and I too had tuberous breasts that I didn't do anything about until my late 20s (29, to be exact). I didn't even realize that the way they were had a name, or that there were other women out there with the same condition. I spent years (far too many) feeling like a freak. Then, at the age of 29, I stumbled upon photos on google of women who's breasts looked like mine. When I realized that I wasn't alone, and that there was something that could be done to help me feel better about myself, I went to see a surgeon. I was nervous, because like you, I'd never told/ shown anyone before that day. He was great though.. he confirmed my suspicions, and gave me the very good news that the corrective surgery would be covered by health care (I'm in Canada). As soon as money was no longer an issue, I knew I was going to go through with it. I told my mom and dad (not an easy thing to do, but so glad I did, as they were immensely supportive), and waited for my surgery date to arrive. My doctor opted to use a new type of implant that also doubles as an expander, that way I didn't have to go under the knife more than once- if you decide to go with surgery, you may want to mention it to your surgeon as a possibility. The surgery itself went well.. I had a bad reaction to the anesthetic (it made me very nauseous), but once it wore off, I was fine. The recovery period was somewhat painful, but within a few days, I was back on my feet. I only took a week off work altogether, although if I had it to do over again, would probably take an extra few days. Considering what my body went through, the recovery was actually pretty quick and relatively easy. Now, I know that not everyone is pro-surgery, and I support everyone's right to choose, but I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am that I went through with it. My life changed for the better that day, and I've never once regretted it. I wish you much luck with your decision, and hope that in the end, whatever you decide, you do what you feel is right/ best for you. Take care! :)

June 11, 2011 - 3:42pm


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