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EmpowHER Guest

hello ladies- i am a 32year old divorced mother of 2 boys. my tuberous breasts have bothered me my entire life. Ever since i can remember even thinking about breasts i knew mine were different & not like all my friends. it has taken a huge toll on my life. i saw 3 different plastic surgeons over the last 10 years only to be told that i was not a canidate for breast aug surgery. Ive always had a low self esteem & only dated men that i didnt think would care/notice. i never wore a swimsuit,dress or even a tanktop. i finally found a doc not to far from me who speacializes in breasts like mine. he told me he could help me & i jumped at the chance. I am now 7 days post op & i feel like a whole new girl, its amazing to me. i wish i would have done it a long time ago. good luck to those of you that are thinking of correcting natures mistakes. you deserve to feel great about yourself & you only livr once!!!

June 2, 2011 - 10:15pm


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