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(reply to Anonymous)

Very well said. I did have surgery 5 weeks ago but I am 33 years old and have already had 3 children. Tuberous breasts most definitely impacted my ability to breast feed, but hopefully others (with a milder case) will have luck. My main reason for doing the augmentation was purely for reasons of my self confidence in bras/swim suits. My asymmetry was bad enough that I felt the need to use silicone inserts on one side to try and balance it out. Normally, these were an inconvenience, but not a major problem. However, when swimming with my kids last year, it slipped out of my bathing suit and went floating across the pool! While I can laugh about it now, it made me very self-conscious and upset at the time. I commend all of those women who are comfortable enough with their bodies to not have the surgery, but I must say that I am so happy that I did this. I have been happily married for almost 11 years and we dated for 4 years before that, so my DH did not care about my breasts. It was purely a decision for me. Regardless of what decision we all make about this situation, it needs to be our decision and ours alone. No man, woman, "friend" or family member should ever pressure you one way or another. Good luck to all! :)

March 13, 2011 - 4:33am


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