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EmpowHER Guest

I have tuberous breasts - small, pointy, assymetrical & with large puffy areolas, & have never had a problem establishing & maintaining relationships. In fact, I've had less trouble than quite a few of my friends with lovely normal breasts!! Please don't think you are doomed to failed relationships because of your boobs - real relationships are based on so much more than that. Being embarassed & paranoid about your body probably puts a dampner on things though - so please just relax!

I'm 32 now & have to say the self consciousness I've felt about my breasts has decreased substantially over the years. The worst thing for me has been not being able to fully breastfeed my beautiful 6 week old boy.

Having 'corrective' surgery is likely to decrease your chances of breastfeeding even more, so please think about that before you get anything done.

I honestly don't consider tuberous breasts to be a 'deformity' - i think they are probably just a currently unfashionable variation of normal the cosmetic surgery industry has taken full advantage of.

Girls, please don't let ypur breasts define you!!

March 3, 2011 - 3:28am


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