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Hi Susan - do you have Tuberous Breasts?
The reason that I ask is that without experiencing the levels to which this anatomical variation can affect self esteem, relationships, self worth, sexuality and a whole host of other vital areas of wellbeing, it would be very difficult to accurately make comment on the issue of men.
Unfortunately, in my experience, it is very easy for a woman with normal, healthy breasts to advise things like 'a good man will love you for you' and 'breasts come in all shapes and sizes', etc... But the actual experiences of we women with tuberous breasts usually disproves these affirmations.
I can't even tell you how many forum posts I've read by women with tuberous breasts who have immense difficulty in their romantic lives directly because of their condition. This has certainly been the case for me too.
In no way do I want to block your gesture of support for the Anonymous writer, nor do I want Anon to feel any fear or downfall from this comment, but, to my experience, this is a MAJOR issue that warrants serious consideration of correction. I'm 34 now, and had I understood at 23 that what I had was a medical issue that was correctable I think my entire life would have been different (and much better).
I guess what I'm saying, Anon, is that while you are so, so much more than your chest, please also consider the realities of the situation and what you honestly feel you need to do in order to heal yourself. And do everything you can to make that happen.
I can honestly tell you, from my deepest and most heartfelt place, that suffering is not worth it.

March 2, 2011 - 7:04pm


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