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Thank you for your comment and best of luck with your surgery. I can certainly understand not wanting to undergo the procedure, but if you've chosen a board-certified, experienced surgeon you have every reason to be optimistic about the results. I'd really like to know how it turns out for you. If you'd like, would you send me a message through this site and let me know? You could also post a "share," or I could write about your experience. I would enjoy that very much and I'm sure other women would like to hear from someone who took the plunge.

I've also observed that some of the loudest voices of protest are those who are not suffering. I feel like you do...having surgery or not is such an individual and personal choice that it's ridiculous for someone to come out "for" surgery or "against it." How can you make a pronouncement or judgement about someone else's life?!

Since your breasts make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin, more power to you for doing something about it.


January 10, 2010 - 11:58am


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