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(reply to Anonymous)

Unfortunately, yes...anytime you miss pills this increases your chance for pregnancy. The pill is about 99% effective at preventing pregnancy when used consistently and correctly. When it is not used in this way, the effectiveness rate decreases.

It sounds like you missed 3 pills in-a-row? (last pill of Week 1 and first two pills in Week 2). Is this correct? I believe according to the instructions on the pill pack that you need to throw away that pack, start a new pack on your specified day (depending if you are a "Monday starter" or "Sunday starter" or another day). During that time, you will need to use another form of birth control (such as a condom). Do you have another pill pack? Please let us know if you don't understand the instructions, and we can help walk you through them...it is confusing the first few times! (And, follow the instructions exactly as they are provided; if they differ from mine, then follow YOUR pill's instructions!)

What you and your boyfriend engaged in can be considered a form of birth control called the pull out or Withdrawal Method. It is only about 73% effective, so definitely not a good form of birth control!

It makes sense that you would experience some bleeding or spotting, as abruptly stopping the use of hormonal contraception can cause your body some "imbalance" in hormone levels. Your body is used to receiving the synthetic hormones from the pill, and then suddenly this stops and it revs up to begin production of the natural hormones (the ones that stimulate an egg to mature, release the egg through process called ovulation, thicken the lining of the uterus...all in preparation for a potential fertilized egg).

How long ago did you have unprotected sex? Have you started a new pack of birth control pills already? If you had unprotected sex less than 72 hours or 120 hours ago, and are above the age of 17, you can go to the pharmacy and pick up Plan B (emergency contraception). Let me know if you need more information about this; the sooner the better and more effective.

September 27, 2009 - 7:46pm


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