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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Kay,
The pill is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy when taken consistently and correctly each time. Whenever you miss pills, the effectiveness rate decreases. No one can know your chances of pregnancy once you missed pills, unfortunately.

It is great that you took the missed pills, but here is how you make up for missed pills in the future (do you have the instructions with your pill pack? be sure to follow the instructions next time, and if you are confused...ask us!):
Fri--miss pill
Sat--miss pill
Sun--take Sunday's pill and Friday's missed pill
Mon--take Monday's pill and Sat's missed pill
Tues--back to usual

It is important to use back-up method of birth control for 7 days after missing pills, since the effectiveness of the pills have decreased. So, yes, there is an increased chance of pregnancy from having unprotected sex on Monday after missing two pills.

Next time this happens (hopefully it won't; you are now armed with information and hopefully condoms!), you can also choose to use Plan B (emergency contraception) within 72-120 hours after unprotected sex.

September 24, 2009 - 2:57pm


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