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EmpowHER Guest


I am currently on Yasmin, for about 6 months. I usually end my pills on a Monday and my period arrives on Saturday. However, I was on a beach holiday and delayed my period by beginning a new pack on Tuesday instead of beginning my hormone free week. However, 2 of the days with the first week I took my pill 12-24 hours late...doubling up the next day. I believe I did this on a Thurs and Sat. On Sun and Monday of the following week my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex. Now it is Saturday before the Monday when I finish my pills for the month. I took a pregnancy test today that allows results up to 6 days prior to your period. It was negative. However, I don't know if "beginning my period" is the Tues (when my hormone free pills start) or Sat (when my actual period usually comes) Any insight would be great. I am going to take the other test on Weds probably.

September 12, 2009 - 7:55am


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