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(reply to Anonymous)

I think we can help. You didn't mention that you missed any pills, just that you had started a new pack of pills, and after about day 4 of week 1, you started feeling queasy. Is that right?

One thing for sure: this is not a pregnancy sign. Even if you did get pregnant from unprotected sex (which is a possibility; more about that in a moment), you wouldn't be technically pregnant yet. If your egg was fertilized a few days ago, it takes many days (about 10 days) for the fertilized egg to travel down the fallopian tube and implant itself in the uterus, to then begin releasing enough "pregnancy hormone" to have symptoms.

So...the queasy feeling you have in your stomach may still be hormone-related, as your system is getting used to using synthetic hormones from the pill. It could also be stress, something you ate, an illness....any number of things.

Your pills probably mention that you need to use alternative form of birth control (condoms) during the first 7 days that you start using them. They have not built-up to their 99% effectiveness rate yet, so having unprotected sex does create a chance for pregnancy.

Lastly, it is a myth that women need to stop taking their pill to "clean out their system", unless of course, they are trying to become pregnant. Was this recommended to you by anyone?

Hope this answers all of your questions!

August 23, 2009 - 12:02pm


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