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(reply to Anonymous)

Sorry if my response came across as a lecture; not my intention at all. My intention is that you take good care of yourself, and I primarily wanted you to know that women DO miss taking their pills (as I mentioned), and that there are birth control options that would be better suited for your lifestyle; sounds like you know this.

Regarding your question: you want to hear from women who either have or have not become pregnant from missing 3 pills in-a-row, doubled-up, then missed another pill, then doubled-up again? I'm not sure if you will receive a response that is this specific, but there are many women who have become pregnant from missing pills in any manner: missing 1, or 2, or 3....in-a-row or just once. The pill, in it's perfect use, is "only" 99% effective, and women can still become pregnant even when using is consistently & correctly. We have a few discussions about women who have become pregnant this way: I Became Pregnant While Taking Birth Control Pills.

If you want to hear from other women, you may want to create your own ASK question, as I'm concerned that your question is getting lost in this on-going thread.

Spotting for a week is most likely not implantation bleeding, and may have just been a strange period due to the hormonal fluctuations from being on/off your hormonal contraception (again, not a lecture...it's a fact and happens to many women!). Implantation bleeding may/may not occur to women, and would only be a small spot over one-day. If you had bleeding over a week's worth of time, regardless of amount or color, that was most likely menstrual bleeding. If you still have negative home pregnancy tests after missing your period, you may not be pregnant, as these tests are very effective at picking up the pregnancy hormone after a missed period.

I hope this helps

August 16, 2009 - 7:06am


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