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(reply to Anonymous)

Yes, it is possible to become pregnant after delivering a baby...even if it has only been 6 weeks. If you are breastfeeding, that may offer some protection against pregnancy, but there is a chance it may not (it is not reliable).

It generally takes the pill 7 days for the pill to be at its highest effectiveness rate; 3 days of pills may offer some protection. Many women do not begin ovulating until a few months after delivering, but there is no way for us to know what your risk of pregnancy is; the hormones after delivering a baby are just getting back to their pre-pregnancy state.

Have you been to your postpartum check up yet?

I'm sorry that you are scared about being pregnant, when you just had a baby! If you are going to be worried too much, you may want to call your doctor's office and talk with them, since you have enough stress and sleepless-nights with a new baby.

August 16, 2009 - 6:43am


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