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EmpowHER Guest

Hi alison im the one with no insurance. Well thanks for your response. I have been going to planned parent hood the past yr for my bc. ANd yes i am human an make mistakes, dont have the best memory and i already kno that this birthcontrol isnt very suitable for me. BUt that is not what i was looking for imformation on. I basicallly was looking if anyone has had this happen to them and if they ended up pregnant or not. simple enough. i kno my body and doesnt feel right. i started to think today maybe i have mono again bc ive had that drowsy feeling the past week or so..
Again I missed 3 pills in a row doubled up the next day then missed again the next day then double up but began spotting that day for about a week. MAjority of it was dark brown. Heard about implantation bleeding .. just worried. bc now its a week after missed period been gettin lower back pains an wierd cramps past couple days but no af.

August 12, 2009 - 8:30pm


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