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(reply to Anonymous)

I believe the instructions on Yasmin say to "use alternative form of protection for the first 7 days"...is this correct? Some birth control say to use alternative forms (condoms) for up to 14 days.

If you have been taking your birth control pill consistently and correctly for 14 days, then the effectiveness rate is about 99%. You mentioned you missed 1 pill, and took it as soon as you remembered. This may/may not cause the effectiveness to decrease, but not significantly enough to worry about it.

One note: all men who have an erection have "pre-cum" (called "pre-ejaculatory fluid") on their penis whether they think they do or not. This fluid is present as the man's penis becomes erect, and can be wiped off...but it may contain sperm. Either way, if you could "see it" the next day...it sounds like you are not talking about "pre-cum" but either he ejaculated or you are noticing your own secretions.

August 11, 2009 - 3:01pm


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