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EmpowHER Guest

Hi there. I would like some advice too. I recently had a break for 2-3 months from taking the pill. I started taking Dianne again, and then went on holidays, misplaced my pill pack and stopped taking them approximately 2.5 weeks after starting (I started taking them about 2 weeks after my last period - my doctor told me this is ok but to use back up for 7 days). About 2 days after stopping taking the pill, I had unprotected sex with my partner 2 nights in a row. I then started to bleed (fairly light spotting) which I assume was because I stopped taking the pill. The bleeding lasted for 2-3 days. I have not taken the pill since. What are the chances that I am pregnant? Thanks for your help. From 'Hopeless Pill Taker'.

August 9, 2009 - 9:12pm


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