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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I am new to this site and reading all this information makes me feel better as well, knowing there are soooooooooo many others in the same situation, except I was the partner that stepped out on my husband and am dealing with the consequences. We have been together for such a long time - I am in my mid 40s - and have never had an STD while with my husband, but the minute I step out, here goes hell. I feel soooo irresponsible seeing all the commercials about safe sex. Kinda suffered from the "invisible me" syndrome. I am afraid, as I have children who haven't all graduated high school yet and the youngest just leaving middle school, ugh, I am just scared that something else might pop up and say......"boo, thought you didn't have me huh?" The reason I say that is because I tested myself ever since the incident and everything keeps coming back negative in my tests, and all of a sudden, a year later, there it is, HPV. Appointment next week, colposcopy and biopsy so gonna keep praying until they finally get my results. Stupid infections....oh wait a minute.....stupid me. Either way, I have forgiven myself and so has my husband, but this is just an ugly reminder of what happened. So many years of being faithful had to come to this. I just pray this is the only thing that shows up and no other "surprises" come up.

February 10, 2011 - 5:53pm


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