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Expert HERWriter Guide Blogger (reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon -
First, a positive HPV test means that you have HPV on your cervix. This does not mean that you have or will get cervical cancer. But it could mean that you have a higher chance of developing cell changes, which could lead to cervical cancer over time. Be sure to go back for all appointments and tests that your doctor recommends.

Partners who have been together for a while tend to share HPV. This means that your partner likely has HPV already, even though your partner may have no signs or symptoms.

HPV infections can remain dormant in the body for years and not be detected. That's why it is impossible to know exactly when someone got infected, how long they've been infected, or who passed the infection to them.

The type of HPV found on an HPV test does not cause genital warts. You may or may not have warts with HPV. The presence or absence of warts is not an indicator of whether or not a person has HPV.

Condoms may lower the risk of HPV. To be most effective, they should be used with every sex act, from start to finish. Condoms may also lower the risk of developing HPV-related diseases, such as genital warts and cervical cancer. But HPV can infect areas that are not covered by a condom - so condoms may not fully protect against HPV. You can use condoms, Sheer Glyde dams, dental dams, or plastic wrap during oral sex to further reduce the risk.

You may have more questions, a good resource where you can get support that's open, honest and non-judgmental is your local Planned Parenthood. They also have good information on their website: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/stds-hiv-safer-sex/hpv-4272.htm

Please be aware that there is no HPV test for men at this time. The most common sign in men is genital warts, but again, warts do not always appear with HPV and do not appear with the type of HPV found in your test.

Good luck to you, and thanks for seeking more information to protect your health. Take care, Pat

May 11, 2010 - 6:05pm


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