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EmpowHER Guest

Im 16, and today was diagnosed with HPV. I've spent all day in tears, and found it very hard to tell my boyfriend, but i told him, and he was understanding and is getting checked. I've read a lot of these comments, and some have made me feel better.
But to understand better...
1. The HPV stays in your system for the rest of your life, but can be fought off by your immune system, or kept dormant? yes?
2. The warts can keep coming back?

These questions may have been answered, but im still unsure...
1. If i have the HPV virus, and it has become dormant, or i just have the virus and not warts, am i still contagious for the rest of my life?

2. Also, is there a reason my boyfriend nor i have gotten warts around our mouths after oral sex?

May 10, 2010 - 1:12am


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