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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Hi twenty-year old woman,
I was just diagnosed with HPV about three days ago and am devastated. I can really relate to what you have described in your post, I am going through it as well. I am twenty-nine years old and never had an STD. I was a virgin all through high school, never slept around, always in monogomous relationships my whole life but unfortunetly have become infected from one of two people I have been with over the past year or so.
I have no idea what kind of HPV I have, since my GYN did not take the time to call and explain this to me. I am so worried and overwhelmed with many questions. I too have had on-going difficuly with my periods but that, I beleive is a result of PCOS (in my case). I too periodically take Provera and its awful. So, believe me, I totally undertand how you feel.
I am scarred to death of everything right now. I'm scared I won't be able to concieve and so terrified to become intimate with anyone ever again.
When you were diagnosed with HPV, was your doctor able to tell you the exact kind you were infected with? I was wondering since I have no idea and hate feeling like this. I've just been so upset these past few days, I feel like all I have been doing is crying. I want to be proactive and take care of myself and found out as much as possible about this so I can have the best possible outcome.
If anyone can answer my question I would really appreciate it. I don't have anyone else I can talk to about this. Thanks, J.

September 4, 2009 - 5:36pm


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