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EmpowHER Guest

Hi Terri,
While you are "contemplating the idea of a long-term relationship" think about the medical facts quoted from the Hers Foundation Female Anatomy video. A platonic relationship would be a more realistic idea after a hysterectomy.
"Physical sexual sensation is diminished or lost entirely because of the
severing of nerves and the removal of the uterus. Women who
experienced uterine orgasm before the surgery will not experience it
after the surgery, because the uterine contractions that occur during
uterine orgasm cannot occur without a uterus.
The loss of uterine orgasm will only be missed by women who
experienced it before the surgery. Although a small number of
hysterectomized women experience slight vaginal wall contractions,
most women report a total loss of sexual feeling.
Severing the blood supply to the uterus diminishes the blood flow in
the pelvis and to the external genitalia, including the ovaries, vagina,
labia, and clitoris, as well as the legs and feet.
One of the many functions of the uterus and the ovaries is
cardiovascular protection. When the uterus is removed, women have
a three-times greater incidence of heart disease. When the ovaries
are removed, women have a seven-times greater incidence of heart

April 8, 2009 - 9:06pm


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