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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi there,

Just to share with you that i had my tubal ligations in mac 2013, and ive got pregnant on Oct 2013. I gave birth to a healthy baby boy in july 2014. And went to doc to check of i am still on tubal ligation. And the doc said YES. Im still on tubal ligations. Just im one of the lucky women to get preg after my tubal ligations. BUT now.. I am late for 10days period.. There is symptoms of nausea, craving and mood swing.. Ive tested twice and its negative. Maybe i just need to wait till end of the month and test it again if my period still didnt come. Anw im on 28days cycle and my period is on time plus minus two days.
If im pregnant, im happy.. But if i have some other sickness.. I dont know how can i face it.. Huhu..

March 19, 2017 - 11:31am


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