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EmpowHER Guest

Hi so I am currently on my 38th day of my cycle and I still have no signs of my period. My last period was on Dec 11th. A few days after I had started my period and was ending it, something traumatic happened to me which caused me depression and lots of emotional stress for about two weeks. Just last week when I was supposed to start on January 8th, I started to rethink about what had happened and the depression started coming back and anxiety started kicking in. I did have protected sex with my boyfriend on January 8th and January 1st. I am starting to get lower back cramps that I usually get when my period is about to start, along with more irritability with people and emotional. Did stress cause my period to be so late? Or am i pregnant? I am really worried. I have started my period a week late before.

January 18, 2014 - 10:31am


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