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My bf and I are sexually active, but we use a condom every time. The last time we had protected sex was (approximately) once before Christmas and once after (the condom did not break and my bf pulls out every time before ejaculating). My period was supposed to come on the 25th, and it has not come since November 25th (so I'm late for about 2 weeks). I had gotten the cold and a sore throat a week or so before December 25th, so I don't know if that could be a possible factor as to why my period is late. Not to mention, I went home for the holidays in December, then went back to school earlier this week, and my sleeping schedule changed from 9-11 hours to a mere 5-7 hours since school has started. I've been experiencing abdominal bloating and discharge (sometimes liquidy and sometimes gooey). No signs of bleeding whatsoever. I can feel myself stressing over my late period these past 2 weeks. Could this be some of the reasons why my period is late? Or could I possibly be pregnant?

January 9, 2014 - 11:53pm


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