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Hello, my girlfriend and I have had sex twice since her last period, both times were with a condom and both times the condom was checked for any leaks and breakage. It is now the 14th of the month and her period was supposed to start on the 9th. With that being said i am obviously concerned about pregnancy seeing as how neither of us are ready despite me having a career and being together 5 years. She has anxiety issues and has since she was young, so my initial thought was that this is due to stress however, she has been fairly consistent having periods every 29-33 days. To make a long story short, she has had 4 finals over this past week and has been preparing for the last 2 tirelessly. I just want to know how likely it is that this late, or possibly missed period is caused from stress (needless to say, since the first day it was late her stressed was even higher.) She also refuses to take a pregnancy test due to a traumatic experience we had with a child we had to give up for adoption far earlier in our relationship. My apologies for the drawn out story, i did not want to leave anything out.

December 14, 2013 - 9:23pm


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