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On the 16th of November my boyfriend and I lost our virginities with him wearing 2 condoms at the same time, they didn't break or slip. He tried to put it in a couple of times but I was too tight. He finally did and it only lasted 10 seconds in me. He did not cum at all. I was expecting my period on the 18th but it did not arrive and now I'm a week and 2 days late. I'm been having mild cramps and a wet feeling. I took 2 pregnancy tests after I missed my period and they came out negative. I'm awaiting a blood test result which was taken yesterday (27th)

Alot of things happened to me in the course of this month such as exams, going back to the gym again after exams, a few days of relaxation and now I'm off on holiday work (not really stressful work).

I know that my circumstance is unlikely but I know there still may be a chance. So would I or could I be pregnant?

November 27, 2013 - 11:31am


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