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EmpowHER Guest

Hi, pls I want your advice...

May last period was on oct 6, and I di sex last oct 20, which is I know I'm very fertile, yet, we haven't use any birth control pills, he do withrawal.

My expectation date nov 1 should my period come, bit until now I don't have any signs, yet my breast reform this is normally I notice when my period coming, and I get wet and arose also for this
fast few days.

What quesrion do I suspected that I will become pregnant, or what? Pls adice what is the best thing I can do. I'mirregular. And may period laps only for 22 days, now its already 24 days...
Now I fel bit cramp in my waist and my lowernpart leg, yet I get paranoid
When I get pee and its all dry from my underwear.

Thank you.

Lookin forward for your advice.

November 3, 2013 - 4:49am


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