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Hello. Well my period has been coming a few days early the last few months so my ovulation was calculated 3 days before 14 days after my period. I had sex on the 14th day (starting off without a condom for a few minutes and then putting one on to finish) that was the only time we had sex. The day I shouldve gotten my period I spotted a little heavier and lighter the day after. I got my usual acne and cramping but no period. Im 8 days late and have had 2 negative tests. I had a lot of stress this month, I was in a wedding, school started again, and my aunt came in town with my cousin who doesn't listen to anybody. ..Needless to say that little girl stressed me out a lot and they came during my ovulation. My doctor wont see me yet and im hoping all of this new stress is causing a delayed or missed period. Does that sound likely? Could the spotting have been an abnormal light period caused by stress? Im worrying about it so much that its making me sick and I cant sleep . Thanks!!

September 28, 2013 - 8:14am


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