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EmpowHER Guest

hi everyone! i have protected intercouse with my boyfriend during my fertile days... and one time we fooled around and he penetreted me without condom but like the phrase says just the tip... and it was like 3 times and we had sex but i think he had pre cum... after that during the week we used protection but the condom always slips and got stucked half way... almost every time... im worried i know the possibilties are little . my period was due to the 31th and lately i have been regular , even it cames one day bfore of after.... i have a few sympthoms , metalic taste, lower back pain, my belly feels odd, cant stand some smells... maybe im a bit stressed out.... it's been a week and idk i will wait a bit more to see what it happens

September 7, 2012 - 11:11am


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