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hi, i'm 20 years old and have been seeing this boy for a few months now. i'm still a virgin so we've never actually had sex but we do fool around with our clothes off. i'm not on birth control because i'm not ready to start having sex so there was no actual protection. he came but no where near my vagina and i would never let him touch his penis against my vagina because he doesn't wear a condom (because he knows i'm not ready for sex) he did finger me, i'm not sure if he had precum on his fingers or not, i know for sure he's never fingered me after he came though. my period is pretty regular however whenever i get stressed it gets out of whack. i just recently moved back to college, my eating habits have changed some and my sleep schedule is a little off. my period was due last saturday the 1st (i track it on kotex.com sometimes it's a few days off) but now it's almost a week late and i'm starting to worry. well actually i've been worrying ever since it didnt show up last week. i have terrible anxiety and panic attacks. i overreact and over think things to the point where i make myself physically sick. i've had bad heartburn and stomach aches because of the stress from not getting my period. i'm a sophomore in college and cannot have a baby right now. especially if i didn't even have sex. and i'm a pretty careful person when it comes to these things i was just a little more careless this last time. can anyone give me some advice anything to help ease my worries?? i'm making myself sick over this. i haven't even had any of my normal pms symptoms either..headaches, cramps, bloating...please help!

September 6, 2012 - 8:15pm


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