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EmpowHER Guest

Hi there,
My boyfriend is overseas, I went to visit him in June / July. We had some oral sex and took showers together etc. We were very careful, had no penetration, but I am not sure if some of his sperm might have come in contact with me. My periods are usually regular with a 33 day cycle. In June (started the 18th) it was 28 days. In July I came back home and then went to another city for work. Was very cold there, my period was different from normal. It started with spotting a few days before and then 29 July I had heavy dark blood when going to the toilet but only one day of light bleeding on the pad. Usually I have very heavy bleeding the first day.
My period for August should have started the 17th but it hasn't yet. I've been having some pms symptoms from the 17th and today my breasts are tender and swollen. I did two home pregnancy tests, one a few days after my July weird period and one now and both were negative. I've had a lot of stress this month. I am sure my missed period is from that, but I've read on some websites that some women say they had their first period after conceiving and then started skipping from the second. Just want to hear your opinion.

August 24, 2012 - 12:30pm


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