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Hi i have a question about my cycle..now i know this might sound strange but i believe it to be true. I just had a baby 3.5 months ago and since i have had clockwork periods except one. Our daughter was born may 1 and i bled for 3 weeks. so the rough date is about 21st that i stopped ending my normal 28 day cycle around 26th May. I went to my 6 week checkup on the 12th jun and said i believe i had ovulated a few days before (9th June) and the doc said its not likely just after having a baby - but said if i was sure wait two weeks and i should get them. Well 2 weeks later on the 23rd jun i got them. My next ovulate day would have been 7th july and period date the 21st but due to my husband having to go to hospital and i was under stress they were 5 days late arriving on the 26th july and finshed on the 31st july. according to my normal cycle i was due to ovulate on the 4th aug and get the next lot on the 18th. I started the pill on the 31st july and being stupid had unprotected sex on the 4th thinking i was covered realising afterwards i wasn't. I kept taking the pill but 6 days later i had implantaion symptoms that i usually experience as with my last baby. i was on the pill 9 days in total then stopped 3 days ago i have had withdrawl bleeding today and seems to be slowing/stopping so i dont feel it will last much longer. my q is whats the likely chance of me being pregnant since they are normally like clockwork and was off by 5 days..if that event was the only reason i was late would the next one come early but still on time or be pushed forward. TIA

August 11, 2012 - 10:07pm


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