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EmpowHER Guest

Hi, maybe someone can help me out...

I had my last period on May 15, it is now June 17 and no signs at all of my period. It is usually around 30 day cycle but I'm not really sure exactly... My boobs hurt a little, but that's it. About two weeks ago my boobs hurt really bad and I felt cramps on one side of my stomach- could this have been ovulation or is it an early sign or pregnancy???? and then the hurting of my boobs stopped, but now hurt a little but not as much. I am freaking out because my boyfriend and I have sex without a condom, but he always pulls out at least a couple minutes before he finishes. I know it is foolish, I am only 22 not looking for a child, and I finally got birth control but can't start it until I start my period starts, I am freaking out and so scared that it is too late. I am constantly online googling pregnancy symptoms and of course they are all similar to pms symptoms. Is it too soon to take a pregnancy test? Should I be freaking out? Also, I have been living in Israel studying abroad for a full year, and just last week came back to the U.S, could traveling and diet changes and time zone changes and stress be related to this?

June 16, 2012 - 9:32pm


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