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EmpowHER Guest

hi josh male here my girlfriend keeps telling me if shes pregnant or not hers d story coz wer to young to be parents is there a chance? coz im not ready yet pls i reaallly ned your help

march 21.. we had sex (unprotected) but i didnt cum inside her i and t'was her first time to have sex shes 17 yrs old and im 18 and we didnt have sex anymore coz wer scared pls helpp

march27 spotting
march 31-april 5 got her period the 1st day was heavy and 3rd day was light it lasted 6 days

april 28th &29th got only bleeding 2 days
may 11-16 got her period she told twas normal
she told me she got frequent headache

i wish shes not preg. wer too young i feel so stupid on my self why i did those stupid things plss help
thnk you

June 14, 2012 - 3:22am


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