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Hello everyone. I would like some advice. My boyfriend and I have been together for well over two and a half years now. We did not have sex until recently and it was protected with a condom, which did not break or anything. Before this, we only "fooled around" with oral and fingering and such and have been doing that for about a year. I have never gotten pregnant or anything from it. We have taken precautions to be as safe as possible. My period is usually very regular, I normally start on the 9th of every month like clockwork. However, this is now the 12th (i started on the 9th last month as well) and still no period. I know I am not incredibly late, but it is late for me. My life has been hectic recently. I went straight from highschool and a life of pretty mich laziness into working hard for almost 50 hours in two weeks. I am often exhausted after work and I also experienced a bit of mental stress. This has all happened over the last month. Is there a chance this drastic change in lifestyle and stress has caused me to have a late period or could I be pregnant? (Note: we had protected sex yesterday, the 11th. After my period was already late.)

June 12, 2012 - 7:47am


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