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EmpowHER Guest

Hello guys!
I am really in need of your expertise. My cycle is usually 21 days. My last menstrual period started April 26. It lasted for 5 days. On May 9, 2012. My boyfriend and I had unprotected sex. It didn't last for a long time. It was I think for 30 seconds but we were already fore playing before the penetration. Im really worried now. He said that he didn't pre ejaculate and he is really sure about this. but I am really having second thoughts because of what I read. Is it true that pre ejaculate can contain sperm if he had a previous ejaculation then proceed to a sexual intercourse? or do a pre ejaculate can contain sperm without ejaculating? I would want to take the morning after pill the day after but we talked to the pharmacist that it is dangerous to drink such and it has serious side effects.

Also, I started to have wet white discharges on April 10-11-12 and now April 13 no discharges yet i will still have to wait.

I am also considering of having a blood test after a week of ovulation.

Hope you guys can help me with this.. thank you!

May 12, 2012 - 11:45pm


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