My SIL took my MIL home last night even though she was told that she is not to be alone with the little girl. She seems to think she is okay wth her. I have told her over and over again that she should not be taking care of her. My seems as if my SIL doesn't want to take on another issue with her mom so she is let her keep the little girl as a companion (not as a daughter). I know that she does not want to tell her mother that she can not take care of her, but I know that eventually someone is going to see that is not the best place for her to be. I feel it will seriously affect her(the little girl's) mental health in the future. If she is told these lies by "her mom" how will shw ever know the truth. I feel completly helpless. I know that it will tear us appart because I'm not going to support my MIL having Guardinship at all even if there is an improvement, because her can always stop taking her meds. I know it is just a movies but I always think of A Beautiful Mind the part with the baby in tub, it's scarey. Also my SIL won't even leave her childern with her mom, so why is it okay for her to take care of one? I don't know.
And yes currently two of their cousins are diagnosed with schizophenia and my MIL aunt killed herself because of the illness years ago.
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My SIL took my MIL home last night even though she was told that she is not to be alone with the little girl. She seems to think she is okay wth her. I have told her over and over again that she should not be taking care of her. My seems as if my SIL doesn't want to take on another issue with her mom so she is let her keep the little girl as a companion (not as a daughter). I know that she does not want to tell her mother that she can not take care of her, but I know that eventually someone is going to see that is not the best place for her to be. I feel it will seriously affect her(the little girl's) mental health in the future. If she is told these lies by "her mom" how will shw ever know the truth. I feel completly helpless. I know that it will tear us appart because I'm not going to support my MIL having Guardinship at all even if there is an improvement, because her can always stop taking her meds. I know it is just a movies but I always think of A Beautiful Mind the part with the baby in tub, it's scarey. Also my SIL won't even leave her childern with her mom, so why is it okay for her to take care of one? I don't know.
And yes currently two of their cousins are diagnosed with schizophenia and my MIL aunt killed herself because of the illness years ago.
April 6, 2009 - 9:25amThis Comment