I just wanted to respond, and offer some more support for you. I am a SAHM also, and am wondering how old your kids are? Do you feel like they are being effected, in the same way as your MIL's 4 yo niece that she has custody of?
I agree with the other women who have posted and have given you great advice. Contact the girl's pediatrician and school, to let them know the situation. Susan's suggestion to write notes "report style" is so important...it takes out the emotion and provides dates, times and observable behaviors of your MIL...and is something that you can share with these professionals upon their request.
Seek out a support group to learn more about the disease will help you and your husband as well. It is understandable that he is in denial, but he can no longer afford to be. He needs to step-it-up and be "present" in all meaning of the word (mentally and physically) for his mom, for you, and for the rest of his family. This means not only understanding the basics of this mental illness, but also what his role is in helping and providing support.
This mental illness/disease can be scary, and your MIL is acting appropriately by definition of the disease. I hope with medication and other treatments that she will have less symptoms of this disease, but in the meantime, it sounds like your priority is exactly where it needs to be: finding an advocate and support for the little girl.
Comment Reply
Hi Amberlee,
I just wanted to respond, and offer some more support for you. I am a SAHM also, and am wondering how old your kids are? Do you feel like they are being effected, in the same way as your MIL's 4 yo niece that she has custody of?
I agree with the other women who have posted and have given you great advice. Contact the girl's pediatrician and school, to let them know the situation. Susan's suggestion to write notes "report style" is so important...it takes out the emotion and provides dates, times and observable behaviors of your MIL...and is something that you can share with these professionals upon their request.
Seek out a support group to learn more about the disease will help you and your husband as well. It is understandable that he is in denial, but he can no longer afford to be. He needs to step-it-up and be "present" in all meaning of the word (mentally and physically) for his mom, for you, and for the rest of his family. This means not only understanding the basics of this mental illness, but also what his role is in helping and providing support.
This mental illness/disease can be scary, and your MIL is acting appropriately by definition of the disease. I hope with medication and other treatments that she will have less symptoms of this disease, but in the meantime, it sounds like your priority is exactly where it needs to be: finding an advocate and support for the little girl.
Please let us know how you are doing.
March 31, 2009 - 12:59pmThis Comment