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(reply to Anonymous)

I agree! I am surprised how many women are given prescriptions and NOT told about potential side effects...even common prescriptions such as birth control pills. I understand the reason behind it, that some medications may have so many side effects, and most of them either not severe or not occurring in a majority of patients, that doctors would not want to go through the litany of "possible, but rare" side effects. However...there should be a "happy middle ground" that doctors could provide some information. I also know that my pharmacist will ask if I need a consult when given a new medication...and I wonder how many women actually say "yes" to this (in the age of drive-through pharmacies). Do we have the resources at our fingertips, and are not using them until we have a problem? Or, do you think there should be more mandatory education about prescriptions before they're given?

I'm glad your medication is helping tremendously with your depression! We would love to hear more about your story...both before and after medication...and what symptoms you've noticed have improved, and how your life has changed with taking medication.

Take care!

January 3, 2010 - 8:33pm


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