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I am a Male, age 39. I will wake up after sleeping for a couple of hours feeling and tasting a sweet acidic something high in my throat. (at this point I am usually not completely awake) I realize what is about to happen, and without being able to control it, the sweet acidic substance goes straight down my wind pipe and into my lungs. I will then usually cough uncontrollably for 30 minutes clearing out the fluid from my lungs, again sweet and acidic. I usually take a very small amount of pepto bismal and some water which eleviates the irritation in the esophagus enough to sleep. Usually within a couple of hours later I will awake to severe chills which requires curling up into the fetal position or actually jumping into the bath or shower with hot water. (this usually feels good short term, but the chills remain) I will usually fall back to sleep in a tight ball straining all muscles, only to waken a few hours later in the morning completely soaked in sweat. (much like breaking a severe fever) The following day is usually accompanied by severe coughing of phlem and blood, extreme fatigue (probably from the chills) and a slight taste of the sweet acidic substance in the back of my throat.

I take Prevacid regularly which controls my acid reflux and heartburn almost to perfection, so this recurring event had me stumped.

I have recently determined that if I drink milk or other dairy within about 5 hours of bedtime this is almost guaranteed to happen. (milk, ice cream, etc...) I have found that I can have Lactaid (or lactose free) milk within that timeframe and it doesn't happen. Not sure of the correlation. Also consuming too much food within 5 hours of bed will usually cause it as well but not as guaranteed as the regular dairy does.

I am still trying to find a real solution to this issue, most doctors will tell you to change your diet, but that just minimizes the occurance and doesn't eliminate it.

I hope this helps anybody who might also be suffering from this.

August 27, 2009 - 1:48pm


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