Hello! My father-in-law had this same procedure done about 9 years ago and I just wanted to let you know that he is doing really well. He no longer has the problems with acid reflux and GERD that he did before the surgery. Before the procedure, he had to go in pretty regularly to have these tubes of gradually wider size stuck down his throat to stretch out his esophagus because the acid was damaging it so much he would get these awful choking episodes. He didn't have lung issues like your husband did, but definitely the reflux.
How long ago did your husband have it done? Has he noticed an improvement in his symptoms? I wish you both the best!!
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Hello! My father-in-law had this same procedure done about 9 years ago and I just wanted to let you know that he is doing really well. He no longer has the problems with acid reflux and GERD that he did before the surgery. Before the procedure, he had to go in pretty regularly to have these tubes of gradually wider size stuck down his throat to stretch out his esophagus because the acid was damaging it so much he would get these awful choking episodes. He didn't have lung issues like your husband did, but definitely the reflux.
How long ago did your husband have it done? Has he noticed an improvement in his symptoms? I wish you both the best!!
March 9, 2009 - 9:49pmThis Comment