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Anonymous (reply to nanashana)

Thank you to the moderators for looking out for everyone's best interest.


I really am glad to hear what a great response you've had to the Protocol. We think the possibility for every woman who goes on to have your results is real. There are just so many variables.

In any case, please note since you have linked to Suzanne that there was a serious error in her last book regarding the Wiley Protocol on Page 70 (in Sexy Forever). It is incorrectly written that Estriol can and should be added be to the Wiley Protocol. This is completely inaccurate and from everything we understand in the literature and relevant research Estriol is a KNOWN carcinogen with no evidence of safe therapeutic benefit given exogenously. The FDA has approved 17-beta estradiol for various uses (which is what's in the Wiley Protocol). However, estriol is not approved for ANYTHING. So despite the arguments some have regarding the Wiley Protocol, we do use FDA approved substances for the things they've been approved for (menopause symptoms). PLEASE DO NOT MIX ESTRIOL AND THE WILEY PROTOCOL. We have every reason to believe you're putting yourself at serious risk of cancer if you do.

Also, regarding your doctors comments about someday going off Wiley Protocol: I've never heard of such a biological process. The fact is, the cessation of menses in a woman is permanent, as far as we know. Despite the numerous wonderful things we see the Protocol being capable of in patients, there is no evidence that it could ever fully "re-grow" or "re-program" the systems that change over a womens life that result in aging and menopause. To be honest, no one actually FULLY understands all of the processes of aging, nor of menopause. The latest research revolves around telomere shortening in the chromosomes, causing cells to become damaged over time. Other theories speculate that running out of eggs has something to with it. But the fact is, it simply isn't known yet why these things happen. Without knowing for certain the how and why, we can't say that any product would be able to restore you to youthful reproductive status.

There have been some suggestions that since the Wiley Protocol essentially puts your reproductive system into senescence (sleep), if started at a young enough age BEFORE menopause it might actually be able to put off menopause indefinitely. This is not something we've tested or have ANY data on, it's simply a theory based on what is understood today. We do know there have been an inordinate number of women able to conceive for whom fertility treatments did not work after application of the Wiley Protocol. So, time will tell what else it can do, but to be honest what we see in older women who choose to go off it (or change doctors and they take them off it) is somewhat accelerated reversion to pre-Wiley Protocol disease states. For now, the Wiley Protocol has been designed to be a chronic therapy, since menopause is a chronic condition. Maybe someday someone will come up with a stem cell based or epigenetic way to restore menstruation at a cellular and genetic level. But until then, exogenous hormone replacement is that closest thing we have. Of course, if your physician has some information we don't suggesting otherwise, PLEASE SEND IT TO US! It would be quite significant if there was evidence that the Wiley Protocol somehow reversed menopause permanently; but so far we haven't seen (or looked particularly hard at) that happening.

Best Regards,

Jake Raden
Wiley Systems, Inc.

February 16, 2011 - 9:50am


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