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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

people on wiley do not get breast cancer.
you're paying less because it's static dosing (same amount every day).
i prefer rhythmic dosing to duplicate natural cycle.
how old are you? what symptoms did you have and were removed by what amounts and types of hormones?
i am 51. last yr age 50 missed 1st period and began hot flashes/insom/ weight gain for a few months. tried vivelle patch which stopped hot flashes a little but not enough. tried wiley and immediately stopped hot flashes, insom, and weight gain.
i wish there was an alternative as its too expensive, a pain to apply, wiley drs too expensive, and precscription amts seem too arbitrary. ive tried a few wiley certified drs and each prescribes a different dose based on same lab results! what gives? you'd think lab results would spell exact dose.
hopefully someone will invent rhythmic dosing with patches. come on vivelle or someone! im sure its in the works as they see the wiley thing popularity and profit.
why are there no wiley user support groups in person or online? wiley disapproves of users talking? thank goodness for this site though. congrats nanashana for sticking up to nasty dispellers who were saying falsities. good job! hopefully moderator banned them, i think she did. but they'll probably sneak back. ok onward and upward.

May 30, 2010 - 4:14pm


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