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Thanks for that. I asked for it earlier but no one would answer me. Here is the entire excerpt that you quoted, just so it can be taken in context:

(Discovery Magazine)"Don’t we need clinical trials to gauge the safety of these therapies?"
(Suzanne Somers) "Yeah. But you’re talking here to a 60-year-old woman. What do you want me to do? Wait till I’m 80? I’m feeling good. What they have to offer me, I know is dangerous. But I also know that it’s an exact fit, synthesized to exactly replicate what my body once made. You must understand, I don’t advocate Wiley. I don’t even get my hormones from her. I don’t advocate anybody. In Ageless, I just laid out different ways to do it. I’m not a doctor, so I can’t tell you what’s the best way to do it. Clinical trials take 10 to 20 years, and there are those of use who are in desperate need, caught in this void—my age group. These are the dice I’m rolling. I don’t want to fall into a life of sleeplessness and sexlessness and illness and depression and all the diseases that are byproducts of the loss of hormones. I’m willing to take a risk. I don’t consider bioidentical hormones anywhere near the risk of taking a, quote, “dangerous, harmful, even fatal” synthetic hormone. You couldn’t pry my mouth open to put a synthetic hormone in me."

Deb V. get YOUR facts straight. I am a lay person, new to this controversy. I am not a propoganda generator so quit addressing me as if I work for T.S. Wiley or I stand to gain somehow in an argument with you. This site and the question posed that started this whole thread is about women's health issues. I was genuinely interested in what you are doing for YOUR health not for women's health in general.

As for Caren being a real estate rep, good for her! A couple of my co-workers have their real estate licenses too, but they are working with me in the vacation industry right now and are also specialists in that field because of their experience. I liked that Caren was interested in ME and not guarded or spiteful toward me like you are, and wanted to know how I was doing and knew the questions I needed to ask myself. My mom is a retired opthalmic nurse, but that doesn't mean she's not a parenting specialist that I highly sought for advice on parenting when my kids were little or even cooking or how to deal with my husband or moodiness or all the other advice that I sought from her and still seek. Here on this thread, we are seeking thoughts and advice from each other as women about our health issues. Someone posed the question about those who've had experience with The Wiley Protocol. I answered first, and then after I was attacked for sharing something positive, I responded with a passion because that's how I feel about this protocol that has been life changing for me. The record, as you said earlier, speaks for itself. I've registered at this site and am a REAL PERSON with a real name, and a real life apart from combing through threads on the internet to spread negativity about some medical protocol. I've shared my personal information. I'm genuinely interested in everyone else's experiences, including yours.

January 6, 2010 - 9:20am


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