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Nanashana, I never said anything challenging the authenticness of your experience or tried to invalidate it. But your Wiley report differs from everybody I've met on the protocol, spoke to on the phone, or corresponded with via email. When somebody persistently posts a glowing testimonial, most of the Wiley Protocol Casualties suspect it's Wiley's publicist. She has said on the web that the challenge of her work is to counter the number of the negative Wiley hits on Google by creating positive ones. I always suspect she is "salting" the web again.

When Wiley's publicist publicly concedes she has her work cut out for her because of negative reports about her client, you might suspect you're taking dangerous medication.

You might be the one person who does okay. Just like with the Ford Pinto recall, not everybody's gas tank exploded on impact. But many did. The car was defective. A lot of people died. But not everybody. Those who didn't die didn't go around claiming the Pinto was the best car ever, and they didn't make Pinto commercials. They were happy to get away with their lives.

December 27, 2009 - 8:59am


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